Gallery Space Recall

invite card

7 Oct - 5 Nov 2007, Chapter Gallery, Cardiff, UK
In this new work, artist Simon Pope invites us to recall, from memory, a walk through a gallery space. In doing so, we become participants in an exploration of the gallery: its physical characteristics? Its institutional properties? Its connection to other galleries or artworld professionals?

At a series of events, Participants explore their spatial, social and professional relations.

At the Opening Event, those closely associated with various art institutions such as curators, administrators, exhibition officers, sponsors, trustees, directors, artists – as well as the public that visit Chapter's gallery space – are invited to walk and talk together, recalling a description of a familiar gallery space, as if they themselves were walking through it.

Together, participants summon-up these remote spaces - through memory, body, speech and movement – so that they exist at two locations simultaneously, both here and there.

Pope asks what are the consequences of this for the gallery as a 'site' of artwork? Can the gallery be 'empty' space waiting for work to fill it? What does it mean to think of this 'place', not as unique and differentiated, but rather deeply related and connected to other 'places'? What is produced when professional ranks, other than the artist, are invited to be itinerant in the production of an artwork?

Gallery Space Recall was developed as part of Walking Here And There, a research project undertaken in collaboration with the psychologist Vaughan Bell and funded by a Wellcome Trust SciArt R&D Award. A book documenting this exhibition and other research outcomes will be produced later in the year.

Download PDf of the invitation here